Martin Stadtfeld

Piano Songbook

This volume of music contains arrangements and fantasies of popular works from the Baroque to the Romantic period and Martin Stadtfeld's own compositions.

Easy to medium level of difficulty - ideal for young people and those returning to the piano.

"The works collected in this volume have accompanied me through my life. In difficult times, this music gives me stability and certainty.

The edits are partly free and subjective, and distill what is essential for me. The motto was: as few grades as possible. This was also my claim for the 10 own compositions in the third part. Thus (in most pieces) playability for piano lessons is given. Even those who return to the piano after a long time can tie in with these pieces. I hope that many people will feel what I felt when I wrote this volume: contemplation, deepening, inner strength."

(Martin Stadtfeld)

Schott Music

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